Bath Day Request a Bath Day for your pet using the form below. Please refer to our Services & Rates page before booking. Your Information Your Name * First Name Last Name New or Returning Customer New Returning Cell Phone * Email Address * Home Address * Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country List the pets that will be visiting us for Bath Day. For returning guests, you may simply enter the name. * For pets who have not stayed with us before, include: 1. Name 2. Breed 3. Weight 4. Age 5. Gender 6. Spayed / Neutered? 7. Color For returning pets: Simply enter your pet's name(s). Booking Dates Preferred Bath Day * We will let you know if your preferred date is unavailable and will provide other options. MM DD YYYY Services Select a Bath Day option from the list below. * Please refer to our Pet Grooming Rates on the Services & Rates page. Dogs (Up to 50 lbs.) Dogs (Between 55-99 lbs.) Dogs (100 lbs. and over) Cats Cat Flea Soak with d-Limonene Shampoo Add-Ons Grooming Please refer to our Pet Grooming Rates on the Services & Rates page. Nail Trim Express Anal Glands Guests Veterinarian Practice Name * If your pets have stayed with us before and you've not changed vets, enter "On File." Veterinarian Practice Phone Number * If your pets have stayed with us before and you've not changed vets, enter "On File." If your pets require any medications or special care, let us know. Thank you! A staff member at Pet’s Companion Inn will reach out to you within 1-2 business days to confirm your reservation.